Account settings

To go to the Account settings section, click on your email in the upper right corner of the screen and select the appropriate item in the drop-down menu.

The Account settings section

The Account settings section

Personal settings

In this block, you can upload an avatar for your account (optional), select the interface language, and copy your Email and Vendor ID using the Copy text buttons.

The Account settings section

System Information

This block displays the current version of the 2Smart Cloud platform and the date of the last update. Use the Release notes button to view the changelog.

The Account settings section

The Account settings section

If you don't want to be notified about updates when you log in to the platform, uncheck the Notify about update checkbox in the Changelog modal window.

The Account settings section

Virtual device

This block contains a link to a virtual lamp. Use this device to test platform capabilities without a microcontroller.

Password change

This block allows you to change your account password to a new one.

Please note! 2Smart Cloud uses a single account of the vendor and the mobile application user. After changing the password, you must enter its new value in the 2Smart Cloud application.

Sending report

You can report to the platform developers any problems related to its operation or leave other comments using the feedback form.

The Account settings section

Personal access tokens

This block allows you to generate API tokens for connecting to third-party services.

The Account settings section

The Account settings section

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